
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8838 From: ricochetproducts Date: 1/1/2014
Subject: What Am I Doing Wrong?
For some reason this code will not work.  I have played with it all morning.  Please Help.

#include "KMotionDef.h"

#define hydpumpswitch 1038
#define coolpumpswitch 1039

// state variables for switch debouncing
int pumpState=0;
/////Hydraulic Pump Control MOMENTARY BUTTON

int switchPressed = Debounce(ReadBit(hydpumpswitch),0,0,-1);
if (switchPressed == 1)    // If in this state, we are on first loop after switch pressed. 
if (pumpState == 1)
pumpState = 0; 
            ClearBit(155);  // Hydraulic pump off
ClearBit(149);                 // Vertical tool change valve closed
ClearBit(50);  // Button indicator lite off
pumpState = 1; 
            SetBit(155);  // Hydraulic pump on
SetBit(149);                // Vertical tool change valve open
SetBit(50);   // Button indicator lite on
///// Coolant Pump Control PUSH ON / PUSH OFF BUTTON
int result = ReadBit (coolpumpswitch);

if (result == 1)
SetBit(152); // Coolant Pump on.
SetBit(51); // Coolant Pump indicator on.
                 ClearBit(152);      // Coolant Pump off.
                 ClearBit(51);      // Coolant Pump indicator off.

#define DBTIME 300

// Debounce a bit
// return 1 one time when first debounced high 
// return 0 one time when first debounced low 
// return -1 otherwise 

int Debounce(int n, int *cnt, int *last, int *lastsolid)
int v = -1;
if (n == *last)  // same as last time?
if (*cnt == DBTIME-1)
if (n != *lastsolid)
v = *lastsolid = n;  // return debounced value
if (*cnt < DBTIME) (*cnt)++;
*cnt = 0;  // reset count
*last = n;
return v;
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8840 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/1/2014
Subject: Re: What Am I Doing Wrong? [1 Attachment]
The Debounce() function is written using a non-blocking state machine approach where its state is saved away so that the function can exit and later come back an resume what it was doing.  This approach allows a single Thread to service a number of activities at the same time.  Three integer variables are required to keep track of the state.  Define and initialize 3 unique variables such as:

// state variables for switch debouncing
int hlast=0,hlastsolid=-1,hcount=0;

Then pass the addresses of these variables into the Debounce function to be used specifically for debouncing that one switch:

int switchPressed = Debounce(ReadBit(hydpumpswitch),&fcount,&flast,&flastsolid);
